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npm install @sanity/preview-url-secret @sanity/client

This package is used together with @sanity/presentation:

// ./sanity.config.ts
import {presentationTool} from 'sanity/presentation'
import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'

export default defineConfig({
  // ... other options
  plugins: [
    // ... other plugins
      previewUrl: {
        // @TODO change to the URL of the application, or `location.origin` if it's an embedded Studio
        origin: 'http://localhost:3000',
        previewMode: {
          enable: '/api/draft',

Next.js App Router

Create an API token with viewer rights, and put it in an environment variable named SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN, then create the following API handler:

// ./app/api/draft/route.ts

import {draftMode} from 'next/headers'
import {redirect} from 'next/navigation'
import {validatePreviewUrl} from '@sanity/preview-url-secret'
import {client} from '@/sanity/lib/client'

const clientWithToken = client.withConfig({
  // Required, otherwise the URL preview secret can't be validated
  token: process.env.SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN,

export async function GET(req: Request) {
  const {isValid, redirectTo = '/'} = await validatePreviewUrl(clientWithToken, req.url)
  if (!isValid) {
    return new Response('Invalid secret', {status: 401})



It's also handy to make a route to disable draft mode, so you have an easy way of disabling it when leaving the Presentation Mode and return to your app:

// ./app/api/disable-draft/route.ts

import {draftMode} from 'next/headers'
import {NextRequest, NextResponse} from 'next/server'

export function GET(request: NextRequest) {
  const url = new URL(request.nextUrl)
  return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/', url.origin))

Next.js Pages Router

Create an API token with viewer rights, and put it in an environment variable named SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN, then create the following API handler:

// ./pages/api/draft.ts

import type {NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse} from 'next'
import {validatePreviewUrl} from '@sanity/preview-url-secret'
import {client} from '@/sanity/lib/client'

const clientWithToken = client.withConfig({
  // Required, otherwise the URL preview secret can't be validated
  token: process.env.SANITY_API_READ_TOKEN,

export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse<string | void>) {
  if (!req.url) {
    throw new Error('Missing url')
  const {isValid, redirectTo = '/'} = await validatePreviewUrl(clientWithToken, req.url)
  if (!isValid) {
    return res.status(401).send('Invalid secret')
  // Enable Draft Mode by setting the cookies
  res.setDraftMode({enable: true})
  res.writeHead(307, {Location: redirectTo})

It's also handy to make a route to disable draft mode, so you have an easy way of disabling it when leaving the Presentation Mode and return to your app:

// ./pages/api/disable-draft.ts

import type {NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse} from 'next'

export default function handler(_req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse<void>): void {
  // Exit the current user from "Draft Mode".
  res.setDraftMode({enable: false})

  // Redirect the user back to the index page.
  res.writeHead(307, {Location: '/'})

Checking the Studio origin

You can inspect the URL origin of the Studio that initiated the preview on the studioOrigin property of validatePreviewUrl:

const {isValid, redirectTo = '/', studioOrigin} = await validatePreviewUrl(clientWithToken, req.url)
if (studioOrigin === 'http://localhost:3333') {
  console.log('This preview was initiated from the local development Studio')

You don't have to check isValid before using it, as it'll be undefined if the preview URL secret failed validation. It's also undefined if the way the secret were created didn't provide an origin.

Debugging generated secrets

You can view the generated url secrets that are in your dataset by adding the debug plugin to your sanity.config.ts:

import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'
import {debugSecrets} from '@sanity/preview-url-secret/sanity-plugin-debug-secrets'

export default defineConfig({
  // ... other options
  plugins: [
    // Makes the url secrets visible in the Sanity Studio like any other documents defined in your schema


Last updated on 30 May 2024

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